The 2015 T Dog Media Turkey Awards

It’s that time of year again! Welcome to the 10th annual T Dog Media Turkey Awards – awarding the worst in media, sports, and life in general. We have 22 turkeys to hand out, so let’s get going! Chicago Media. Here’s an idea! Let’s run the video of the police shooting of Laquan McDonald over and over again so we […]

Tyra Banks exits “FAB Life”

Departure comes after only two months on air Guess Tyra Banks wasn’t cut out for the “Fab Life”. After just two months as lead host and executive producer, the former supermodel and host of America’s Next Top Model is bailing out of the sinking ship known as The FAB Life, to focus on her recently-launched cosmetics line. In a statement, […]

Cumulus shifts radio stations to NBC Tower

It’s an end of an era at the Merchandise Mart. Cumulus Media, the owner of WLS-AM/FM and operator of WLUP-FM and WKQX-FM announced Wednesday they are consolidating their operations in their new home at the NBC Tower next year, as first reported by Robert Feder. Both WLS stations are at 190 N. State St, where they have been for 25 […]

When Trump had a game show

Trump had a game show? It’s true. His name headlined a flop in 1990-91  These days, real estate mogul Donald Trump is grabbing headlines as a Republican Presidential Candidate – for better or worse, but 25 years ago Trump had his own game show. Yes, he actually had a game show – well, his name was slapped on one. Here […]

T Dog’s Media Notepad: Colbert to follow Super Bowl

Also: Bears score on the field in the ratings in Chicago; Wicked City dies. How bad is broadcast prime-time programming is this year? So bad, they can’t even get a prime slot after the Super Bowl: CBS announced Wednesday it has given the post-game lead-out to a live edition of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on February 7, marking […]

Think Tank Express: Chicago, you have a problem

With corruption, high taxes, and gang violence, Chicago has become an international embarrassment and may never recover  If you’ve read this blog for the last ten years, then you know yours truly doesn’t just write about the media business. I’ve also written about Chicago and its image problems. The latest international embarrassment came last week when a nine-year old was […]

“Heroes: Reborn” should’ve stayed dead

This useless reboot tells you all you need to know about the state of broadcast network prime-time television Didn’t I tell you? Didn’t I? Didn’t I tell you the new Heroes: Reborn would be a disaster? I told you – right here in this space in February 2014 – about how bad an idea rebooting Heroes was. And it turns out […]

T Dog’s Media Notepad: WMAQ may add more news

Formerly known as T Dog’s Groovy Grab Bag, T Dog’s Grab Bag and The Grab Bag and maybe 100 other ridiculous names – Is WMAQ looking to add a 4 p.m. newscast? A report on Monday suggests several NBC-owned stations may be looking to add another hour of news at 4 p.m. in 2016 in order to take advantage […]

“Star Trek” returns – for a price

                The legendary series returns to the airwaves – but on CBS’ SVOD service The Starship Enterprise is back in business. But if want you get on board, it’s going to cost you. CBS announced Monday it was rebooting Star Trek, which would be the seventh television incarnation of the franchise. But there […]