Chicago’s August PPM results

Here are the results for the August PPMs for 12+ and for adults 25-54. Among the findings: – Winners include WSCR, WPPN, WXRT, WUSN, and drumroll please…. Q101! Yes, Q101 – or WKQX-FM grew 27% in 12+ month-to-month. – The biggest winner of all is WTMX-FM (The Mix), who dominated the 25-54 ratings and 12+ with Eric & Kathy leading […]

WGCI moves Scoulfield to mornings

Mornings are going to be a riot on WGCI… As speculated on Monday, beginning April 1 (and no, this isn’t an April Fool’s Joke), currently afternoon personality Tony Sculfield will take over the morning drive spot from Steve Harvey, who is moving from WGCI to sister station WVAZ (V103) to replace the canceled Tom Joyner Morning Show. Sculfield (who was […]