Life After Oprah

              Anderson Cooper’s new syndicated talk show began on Monday.   Welcome to Life… After Oprah. Monday marked a new era in syndication as repeats of The Oprah Winfrey Show came to an end on Friday (her last original episode aired on May 25) as the broadcast business is without the queen of talk […]

Geeks Ahoy!

The latest news coming out of the just-concluded NATPE gathering in Miami with now a second dating/reality strip being launched in syndication from the producers of former CW series Beauty and the Geek. Geek Meets Girl has been cleared by Trifecta Entertainment and Media on WCIU here in Chicago and several CBS-owned CW affiliates and independent stations, including KCAL (Ind.) […]

NATPE kicks off in Miami

The 47th annual National Association of Television Program Executives convention kicked off today in a new location: The Fontainebleau in Miami, Fla. on the East Coast after years of being based in the western U.S. In the past, NATPE has been held in San Francisco, Houston, New Orleans, and Las Vegas, where it was held for the last several years. […]

Pittsburgh local fall lineups

Rob Owen of the Post-Gazette has Pittsburgh’s fall syndicated lineups. Notables: -Sinclair’s WPMY has Family Guy interspersed with The Simpsons, creating a two-sitcom block. Family Guy is slated to air at 6:30 and 7:30 each weeknight, leading out of Bart & Co. Law & Order: Criminal Intent airs at 11 p.m. on WPMY. – Sinclair’s other station, Fox affiliate WPGH, […]