The inmates are running the asylum

It’s not everyday two of the biggest pains in the butts in media make news on the same day, but today must be the day: Bill O’Reilly makes news for annoying people, while Jay Mariotti annoys his co-workers (notably Rick Telander) at the Sun-Times. Oh, I feel a sitcom coming on… ***** Coming this fall… The O’ Reilly & Mariotti […]

Worst Person in Media This Week – 11/30/2007

We’re back this week with the Worst Person in Media This Week award, after a break last week (because of the Thanksgiving holiday). Although Carson Daly (for crossing the picket line) is a worthy nominee, handing out this week’s WPIMTW award is a no-brainer… Usually we give these awards to media people and politicians who are involved in the business […]

Dumber and Dumber

Which one of these assholes deserve the Worst Person Of The Week award for making racist comments this week? Bill O’Reilly or former Top Model winner and Joilet’s own Adrianne Curry? (It looks like a tie. And personally, I’m glad Ms. Curry left here. How about you getting over getting screwed by Tyra?)

Fight of the night

Reality TV show producers and contestants – Survivor in particular – take notice -This is how an argument is done, courtesy of Geraldo and O’Reilly. Memo to Lisi and Dreamz : Your dust-up on that once-popular show last night was ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC. You two losers need to be schooled from these two losers. UPDATE: This story is hotter than we […]