Fox makes midseason shifts

The new television show based on The Terminator movie franchise debuts on Monday, Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. (CT) Titled The Sarah Connor Chronicles, the action-adventure program focuses on the character and her son. Sarah Connor will lead in to 24, which begins its new (and hopefully better) season at 8 p.m.

Fox announced at the upfronts that Sarah Connor was scheduled for Sundays at 8 beginning in January, but many immediately began to suspect that the time period the show got was not going to stick.

Now, Fox will keep its popular animated comedy block on Sundays from 7-9 p.m., while Prison Break -the program Sarah Connor will replace -closes its season on Dec. 17. Prison Break resumes in April.

No word on the fate of K-Ville, which now occupies the slot 24 will inherit.