T Dog’s Think Tank: The month of August was so on-brand for Chicago

  White Sox debacles, and news crews getting robbed spotlight the tremendous failure of city institutions If you were a kid in the 1970s or 1980s perhaps you remember a commercial for Resse’s Peanut Butter Cups when someone got peanut butter into their chocolate, and vice versa.  So what happens when the problems of sports’ worst-run franchise mash-up with the […]

White Sox changes stadium name to Guarantee Rate Field

The new name for the second coming of Comiskey is a guaranteed flop with fans Nine alternative names for the ballpark With news like this, you’d wish Jay Leno and David Letterman weren’t retired. The Chicago White Sox announced Wednesday it has entered into a new naming rights agreement with a mortgage lending company, renaming their Guaranteed Rate Field, replacing teleco […]