Is minority content being targeted for indecency?

Content targeting Black, Hispanic audiences come under scrutiny after FCC fines Spanish broadcaster for indecent content  Believe it or not, the next indecency battleground could be in Chicago’s African-American community. A group of activists calling themselves The Clear The Airwaves Project are targeting Crawford’s WPWX-FM (Power 92) and Clear Channel’s WGCI-FM for playing salacious hip-hop and rap music targeting children […]

T Dog’s Think Tank: Rush’s Lament

Limbaugh gets called out for nasty behavior. But what about everyone else? As you know by now, syndicated radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh made a rather nasty comment on his nationally syndicated radio show last week calling Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” after she testified in Congress on difficulty obtaining contraception and felt she needed […]

Cumulus buys WLS-AM/FM owner

WLS-AM and WLS-FM have new owners in the form of Atlanta-based Cumulus Broadcasting, Inc., which acquired the troubled Citadel radio group for $2.4 billion in cash and stock, with Cumulus paying $37 a share to Citadel. While Citadel wasn’t officially up for sale, it was being pursued by both Cumulus and Bala Cynwyd, Pa. –based Entercom Communications. Cumulus made several […]

Post No. 1500! Celebrate by ushering in new PDs at WLS-AM and WGN-AM

1500 posts, Yay! Alright, put away the champagne and let’s get down to business… WGN-AM and WLS-AM both have new program directors this evening. WGN hired Kevin Metheny, who previously ran Clear Channel’s cluster of radio stations in Cleveland (including rock outlet WMMS-FM “The Buzzard”), as their new program director. He replaces Bob Shomper, who now moves to the same […]

Hannity & Idiot

It’s St. Petersburg (Tampa) Times TV critic Eric Deggans getting shouted down by Alan Colmes on Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes over Don Imus returning to radio soon. Wait a minute, isn’t Colmes the liberal one? Lucky for Colmes it wasn’t PTI’s Michael Wilbon sitting in that chair, or Colmes would’ve gone home crying to mommy. As for this program, […]

Imus settles with CBS

And Boomer Esasion takes over his former morning drive-time slot, along with some guy named Craig Carton from a New Jersey radio station, who is built in the Michael Savage mold.

The final word (hopefully) on Imus

Radio & Records is reporting that the Rutgers women’s basketball team has forgiven Don Imus for his offensive comments, after he met with them. It goes to show you that the Rutgers women’s basketball team has more class than two certain activists who completely made fools of themselves, not to mention the African-American community. If the basketball team can move […]

Read this

Instead of the garbage that’s being posted on Radio-Info and the blogs from the major newspapers on the Imus controversy – read this: From TV Barn’s comments page: Our one-week-long national nightmare is over “Of course there’s a place for it … it’s called radio.” “Sad but probably true. Radio is desperate for attention. It’s irrelevant to entire generations, having […]

T Dog Media Blog Think Tank: Shut up, already! Damn!

Three think tanks in one week… When this blog was started, I couldn’t even do three in three months…. It seems that everybody and their mama has something to say on the Imus controversy. From Mancow to Eric Zorn, from Mike North to WMVP’s Dan McNeil, they were talking about Imus. Who’s next to comment? Dr. Phil? Simon Cowell? Tom […]