Sherman, Tingle reunite, head to The Drive

Pete McMurray & Co. out As first reported by Radio Insight, Hubbard-owned WDRV-FM, “The Drive” announced Tuesday the hiring of Brian Sherman and Steve Tingle for mornings. Though the site stated “Monday, October 21” (actually a Friday), the actual start date is October 31. The move reunites the duo at the Classic Rock outlet – the duo were at the […]

Merlin Media to take over Q101, The Loop, WRXP early

Remember when Merlin Media purchased a majority stake in WLUP-FM, WKQX-FM (Q101), and New York’s WRXP-FM from Emmis Communications and said it would take weeks for them to  take over all three outlets, perhaps as  soon as mid-August. Well, scrap that: those changes now take place this week. Merlin announced today it will take over the operations of all three […]

About the new Q101 morning show…

Robert Feder mentioned the new WKQX-FM morning show hosted by Brian Sherman and Steve Tingle in his article today and didn’t exactly give it the benefit of the doubt… He says the alternative rock station is trotting out its fourth morning show in two years, and predicting doom and gloom for the show and hinted the station was better off […]

No fix for what’s left of "Morning Fix" (updated)

The exodus of personalities and personnel from Chicago media outlets continues. To no one’s surprise, WKQX-FM (Q101.1) has thrown what’s left of the Morning Fix under the bus and ran over Alan Cox and Jim Lynam in the process. The duo were axed from Q101.1 after today’s show and are being replaced by the afternoon team of Brian Sherman and […]