2009 T Dog Media Blog Turkey Awards: The year of the disappointment
If 2009 were to sum up anything in the media world, it’s this word:
Yes, it has been a disappointing year around here. And what better way to sum all of it up than to give out T Dog Media Blog Turkey Awards for the fourth consecutive year. So grab your favorite beverage, relax, and hope 2010 is a whole lot better than this!
And the winners (losers) are:
NBC. Congratulations for making this list for the third consecutive year – thanks to the inept team of Jeff “Doogie” Zucker and Ben “Party All The Time” Silverman, who departed the network months ago. And now, the network is about to become Comcast’s bitch. It doesn’t get any worst than this.
Fox Chicago News. Nice way of taking advantage of your Fox network lead-ins and squandering it. And what about reporter Tera Williams asking a insensitive question to Mayor Daley during his press conference which caused him to walk out (asking the questions, indeed.) It’s Uncle Rupert’s Amateur Hour over there at WFLD.
Mayor Daley. And speaking of which, there hasn’t been a worst mayor in the City of Chicago – besides Bilandic, that is.
The Jay Leno Show. Wow, who would have thought stripping this at 9 p.m. every weeknight was a good idea? (um…)
The Chicago Bears and Jay Cutler. Would you believe the Bears and this quarterback’s play this season would be this bad? With a 4-6 record (as of Nov. 25), forget the playoffs. This Bears season and Cutler were the biggest bombs of 2009, even bigger than Leno.
Jon & Kate. Just hearing their names makes me want to stick my head in a brown paper bag.
Chicago Baseball. And speaking of brown paper bags, this was the fashion of choice to wear over your head if you were attending a Cubs or White Sox game this year.
Secret Girlfriend. A recent T Dog Media Blog Hall of Shame inductee, this inane sitcom’s main character is you, the viewer, where you follow two unemployed paint thinner-sniffing idiots around all day and have whining female acquaintances bugging you all the time. If I were you, I’d find better friends than these. This is the worst sitcom of all time – even worse than My Mother, The Car and Chicken Soup and that says a lot.
I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here. Another turkey returned to the air courtesy of the current turkeys in the Nielsens, NBC.
Heroes. The third straight Turkey Award because of its mere existence and continued suckage.
FlashForward. What started out as a promising sci-fi series – finding out how everyone in the world “blacked out” for two-and-a-half minutes – has involved into a mess of bad acting, characters who get duller by the week, and very hard-to-follow and slow-as-molasses plots – not to mention the series has lost one-third of its audience since its debut. Wow, it was like if I was talking about the show above this one.
Osbournes Reloaded. This Fox “special” was so bad, it was dropped or delayed by 16 affiliates and trimmed to 35 minutes. There are five remaining episodes left. Really? Another recent T Dog Media Blog Hall of Shame inductee.
Chicago’s Olympic Bid. The city spent tons and tons of money on a worthless endeavor which saw Chicago get eliminated in the first round of competition and made our metropolitan area a worldwide laughingstock.
The Beautiful Life. The CW drama lasted only two episodes. Wow, I’m surprised it lasted this long!
The Parents Television Council. I’m giving them an award because I just flat out hate them. Third straight year on this list.
T Dog. Yes… your friend, T Dog, even made this list…. for thinking The Jay Leno Show in prime-time five nights a week would actually work!
Happy Thanksgiving!