Sun-Times names Paige Wiser new TV Critic
Longime features columnist Paige Wiser was named the Chicago Sun-Times’ new TV Critic today, and she’ll begin writing on Sunday. The gig was previously held by Doug Elfman, who was dropped amid a flurry of budget cuts last year.
The move marks the first time TV scribes at two of Chicago’s biggest newspapers are female – Maureen Ryan was named TV Critic of the Chicago Tribune in 2005.
Among her favorite shows on the air right now is Lost (if she can understand it, she’s got the job!)
And her TV influences range from better (Gigglesnort Hotel, WKRP in Cincinnati, Freaks and Geeks, Arrested Development) to worse (Joanie Loves Chachi, Tyra Banks, and Big Brother. Hey, Paige – you should hook up with Marc Berman for that last one!)
As soon as she gets her columns up and running, you’ll find her with Marc, Maureen, Aaron Barnhart and the rest of the gang on The Sidebar.