Didn’t do one last week, so this is for the last two weeks: The winners and losers…
Fab Four
– Survivor. Another winning edition of Survivor, both in the ratings and in quality. And it drew more viewers in the 18-49 demo than its’ lead-out, CSI Thursday night – a first.
– The Simpsons in HD. Had the look and feel of The Simpsons Movie. And the episode wasn’t bad, either.
– Conan O’ Brien. Yours truly thought Late Night with Conan O’ Brien wouldn’t last past 1994 (and so did a lot of people.) But persistence paid off for O’Brien, who leaves the post-Tonight Show slot after sixteen years this week to take over The Tonight Show itself June 1. (A side note: Conan O’Brien used to write for The Simpsons way back when.)
– David Letterman slams Joaquin Phoenix. Nice to have the old Dave back. (Click link to read comments and look at interview.)
Flop Four
– Roland Burris. Did you really lie? Not cool.
– Alex Rodriguez. And the same goes for you.
– Bud Selig. You say the steroid allegations annoys the you-know-what-out-of-you? You destroyed the game of baseball, so I say the feeling is more than mutual if we continued to accuse you of turning a blind eye to what was going on all these years, you sniveling jackass. You, Alex Rodriguez, and Roland Burris all should get a room.
– My Network TV. The “network” has decided to cut back on original programming by acquiring repeats of Law and Order: Criminal Intent and now are calling themselves a “programming service” instead of a “network”. I call it “throwing in the towel”.