"Insider "moved back to 5 p.m.
This move must have bombed in the ratings: WCIU is moving The Insider back to 5 p.m. from 6 and to 11 p.m. from 10:35 p.m. next Monday (Aug. 27) instead of waiting for Sept. 10 when newly syndicated repeats of The George Lopez Show takes over at 6 p.m. Girlfriends, which is being withdrawn from broadcast syndication nationwide on Sept. 7 (but will continue Mondays on the CW this fall), will fill the 6 and 10:30 p.m. slots in the interim.
Here’s a thought: Move The Insider to WBBM-TV (Channel 2) since CBS owns the show and the program airs in access (from 7-8p) on some CBS-owned stations including WCBS in New York and KCBS in Los Angeles. Put it on at 6 p.m. No one is watching Channel 2 in that time slot anyway since they’re airing something called a newscast, and no one will notice the difference between the two.