Fox brings familiar faces back for 2018-19

Tim Allen? Vicki Lawrence? The once edgy Fox brand is history as the network retools to attract older audiences Fox announced its 2018-19 schedule and it is a radical departure from what it was in years past. In the 1990s, Fox was synonymous with “hip, edgy programming” with The Simpsons, Beverly Hills 90210, In Living Color, and Melrose Place dominating […]

Fox at TCA: “We won’t miss American Idol.” (Sure.)

Plus: Seth MacFarlane chats up The Orville; Fox execs try to explain their screw-ups; and more With TCA finally winding down, the last two networks presented this week was Fox and its cable siblings, FX and FXX. In the Fox executive session, Fox entertainment co-president Dana Walden defended the decision to drop American Idol, only to see it cross the […]