T Dog’s Think Tank: How NOT to promote your new host

Dr. Jeremy Levitt, we hardly knew ye. WVON-AM’s choice to replace Roland Martin as morning drive-time host was mysteriously replaced last week by fill-in hosts Matt McGill and Perri Small, at least temporarily. According to Chicagoland Radio and Media’s website, the person they hired to replace Martin turned out to be owner Melody Spann-Cooper’s brother-in-law and Pervis Spann’s (Melody’s father) […]

WVON to rewind, too

WLS-AM is not the only one flashing back to the days of yesteryear… WVON-AM is also doing a Memorial Day rewind, with a flashback to the days when the black-oriented station played a lot of jazz, blues, and R&B music courtesy of Pervis Spann, Herb Kent, and “The Good Guys”. Click here to see Monday’s lineup.