Fox’s new 2010-11 lineup

In advance of its upfront presentation today, Fox announced seven new shows for next season, including a revamped Tuesday lineup in the fall, with its freshmen hit show Glee front and center. Shows not returning include Saturday night talker The Wanda Sykes Show and sitcom Brothers. It is not known at this time what will replace Wanda Sykes in the […]

"Family Guy" renewed through 2012

Yes, I’m going to be around for four more years, so deal with it. I credit Dr. Smith from Lost in Space for my wonderful character change. He’s quite smart! He deals with that robot… I deal with Brian. It’s the same thing, basically… Television’s wackiest animated family (besides The Simpsons, that is), is returning for four more seasons. In […]

Can you tell them apart?

Cartman and J.R. Ewing. Separated at birth? Television has a rich history of evil TV characters fans love to hate. From J.R. Ewing to Montgomery Burns, their scheming ways have made memorable storylines. So what happens when you combine J.R. and Burns and toss in a little Archie Bunker, and what do you get? The perfect heel character in Eric […]