Writer’s Guild Strike Roundup
Writers Held Hostage: Day 2
The latest:
– The walkout has shut down numerous shows in Hollywood until notice, notably sitcoms shot in front of studio audiences. Back to You, Two and a Half Men, ‘Til Death and The Big Bang Theory have gone dark (however, CW sitcoms Girlfriends and The Game are reportedly still in production.)
– The Writer’s Strike is fast becoming a political issue. Democratic presidential nominees Hilary Clinton and John Edwards joined Barack Obama in denouncing the strike.
– And advertisers are starting to getting a little p.o’ed about this whole thing – with reruns in the not-too distant future, it will put a squeeze on already tight ad inventory, and scatter buys could be yanked, which could lead to a rise in prices (which, no doubt they will pass on to you and me at the store. Which Chicago and Cook County set to raise taxes, those factors will make goods a hell of a lot more expensive.)
– And here’s an item on the effects of an prolonged strike, and it is not pretty. In other words, if you think TV is a wasteland now…