Report: Apple + adds Peanuts holiday specials, ends broadcast TV run

A Charlie Brown Christmas abruptly exits network TV Details are scarce, but it looks like Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and his flimsy Christmas tree are heading off of linear TV and into the house Steve Jobs built. According to a tweet sent from the official Peanuts account Monday morning, the Halloween special It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is streaming exclusively […]

Retro Friday: Good Grief! Charlie Brown’s selling bread AND insurance

Yes, yours truly is a huge Peanuts fan. And Snoopy and the gang are back on television as spokesmen for MetLife, a relationship that’s been strong for with for 27 years. But before then, did you know Charlie Brown and company appeared in ads for Ford, Dolly Madison, McDonalds, Cheerios, and Butternut bread? Yes, Snoopy’s getting paid, people! First, here […]