Turner announces 2010-11 sked

It’s the 2010-11 Turner upfront presentation, and you know who is the man of the hour. I’m talking about Conan O’Brien, TBS’ new late night star, who stopped yesterday at the event to say hi to media buyers (and to convince him he’s the real deal in a daypart dominated by David Letterman and Jay Leno.) O’Brien woke the quasi-sleepy […]

Turner gets aggressive with broadcast networks

CW is turning into the All-Drama Channel. Another is already there. Only difference is they actually know drama. Turner networks unveiled their new programs at the network upfronts with TNT’s focus on dramas and TBS’ focus on comedies and sitcoms – and a new weeknight talk show hosted by George Lopez. TNT, one of the top-rated cable networks, trotted out […]

A bunch of stuff

News & Notes: – The Chicago Cubs may start its own television network if the team is sold, according to an article in today’s Chicago Tribune. The model would be the New York Yankees successful YES network, and the Cubs are looking to maximize revenues. Current owner Tribune has a 25 percent in Comcast SportsNet, and the Cubs are contracted […]

TCA news: Cablepoolloza continues

More news from the Television Critics Association tour in L.A. : -Discovery is celebrating the 20th anniversary of Shark Week, from July 29 to August 4, with all sharks, all the time. The marathon will also feature footage of Amy Jacobson’s appearance at the Stebic House two weeks ago, in which her career – and local news – jumped the […]