T Dog’s Think Tank: Dancin’ On The Graves

CBS’ “press release” sounds awfully familiar to letter Merlin Media sent to them last year It appears CBS has borrowed a trick from Randy Michaels’ playbook. On the heels of CBS unsuccessfully trying to stop ABC from airing Big Brother rip-off Glass House, The Church Of Tisch sent out a mock press release on Wednesday, unveiling the “upcoming launch of […]

Chicago radio gets Q’d

For the last few months, Chicago-area radio listeners had no alternative rock station. As of Sunday night, Chicago-area radio listeners have… two? In a surprise move, Elmhurst-based WJJG-AM (1530) flipped from talk to Alternative Rock Sunday night – a day before Merlin Media was supposed to launch its new Alternative format on WKOX-LP (formerly Smooth Jazz outlet WLFM-LP, on 87.7 […]

Merlin vs. CBS in a "Fresh" smackdown

Meet Merlin Media’s new mascot. Don’t let the Florida Marlins garb fool you.  Ladies and gentlemen… grab a ringside seat because it’s time for the Chicago radio smackdown between old standby The Church Of Tisch and newcomer Merlin Media! In what promises to be the first of many clashes between CBS and Merlin, the two exchanged not-so-friendly letters to each […]