Retro Friday: Fall 2008 NBC Promo – Make Some Noise!

This week’s Retro Friday takes a short trip back to 2008 when NBC aired a promo for its fall programming during the Opining Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games, featuring the song “Make Some Noise”. Shown are clips from modest hits 30 Rock, Heroes, Chuck, and Deal Or No Deal, featuring Alec Baldwin, Zachery Levi, Howie Mandel, and Greg Grunberg. […]

T Dog’s Think Tank: Limo-for-a-Lame-O Jr. finally drives away

How does it feel to become the second Silverman in history to screw up a network – in fact, the SAME network ? Goodbye, Mr. “Party All The Time”. Don’t hit your head when you get in that limo… Yours truly doesn’t know if the departure of Ben Silverman will immediately improve NBC’s fortunes. But it is a start. Yes, […]

Ben Silverman out at NBC

The long national nightmare is over – the Bulls Ballboy is moving on. NBC Entertainment Co-Chairman Ben Silverman resigned today after two years to start a new company with Barry Diller’s IAC. He’s essentially returning to his entrepreneurial roots: he founded production company Reville, producers of The Office and Ugly Betty. His replacement is Jeff Gaspin, who will now add […]

NBC announces new lineup for 2009-10 season

Here’s Ben “Party All The Time” Silverman now, driving the Losermobile for another pathetic season at Nothing But Crap. All Aboard! Pathetic, weak, terrible. And that just explains Heroes and Parks and Recreation. But no Chuck – at least not yet. Easy call to renew the Amy Poheler tripe but couldn’t renew a show with a rabid fan following. Typical […]

TCA Notes

The major broadcast networks made their presentations at the Television Critics Association’s Winter Press Tour this week. Among the highlights: NBC – NBC announced Conan O’ Brien’s final night on Late Night will be on Feb. 20, just three months before he is scheduled to take over The Tonight Show from Jay Leno in Los Angeles. Replacing him is Jimmy […]

T Dog’s 4 Pack

It’s another edition (and another new name) of the weekly winners and losers list, now called The T Dog’s 4 pack. Let’s hope this one sticks, as the last two titles were quite clunky. There are two 4-packs: one Fab, another Flop. Simple for you? I know it is for me… – T Dog’s Fab Four-Pack: President-Elect Barack Obama. Yes, […]

NBC revamps fall lineup

To no one’s surprise, NBC has revamped its fall lineup, announced a few weeks before the upfront. The changes are: – NBC’s premiere week will now take place the week of Sept. 22 instead of after the Olympics in August. This means NBC will launch its new shows alongside the rest of the other networks (except Fox, which still plans […]