The fridge pack (plus one): The unlucky 13 of the decade

There are flops, and then there are….flops. For every success in the most recent decade, there were products coming off so badly, you don’t know how the hell they were even conceived in the first place – you basically had to see it to believe it! If you thought the 2000s version of “The Dirty Dozen” were bad, they have […]

The T Dog Media TV Hall of Shame

No one expected CNN’s Chicagoland to be a love letter to the city – but no one expected it to be a Rahm infomercial either. A critical and ratings flop, Chicagoland is the one of TV’s lowlights in 2014. Recently, the prime-time portion of The Simpsons marathon on FXX attracted more viewers than Chicagoland did. (As of May 2018, the […]

The T Dog Media TV Hall Of Shame is back…with monkeys!

              The face of TV has changed in the last 40 years…. “Me and The Chimp” (left) to “Animal Practice”. Wow, what an improvement! The hollowed halls of TV badness is back open for business! In the first update in over a year, a whopping 18 21 shows are being inducted into The T […]