T Dog’s Four Pack
Here’s what working for me this week…
– Chicago broadcasters branding together to help Haiti. If you read this blog on a regular basis, then you know yours truly often criticizes our town’s media outlets – a lot. But these competitors can band together for a cause in a time of need like no other, with Thursday’s Chicago Helps Haiti fund-raiser drive from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. with all major (and even minor) Chicago-area media outlets (television and radio) participating. Never underestimate the power of local broadcasting. Kudos to all involved.
– The Late Night Wars. Who isn’t enjoying this mess? For once, it’s one we taxpayers don’t have to clean up.
– TV Barn’s takedown of Jay Leno. Aaron Barnhart and Funny or Die dug up a clip from 2004 saying Leno wouldn’t mind if Conan O’Brien took over as host of The Tonight Show in 2009. Well, I guess minds can change easily, can’t they? Mr. Barnhart stated it’s just “proof that Jay Leno is a two-faced hypocritical unfunny lying jerk.” Funny, isn’t those the terms we use to describe another person named Jay?
Here you are Conan… The Tonight Show is all yours…. Psyche!
– Jeremy Green’s takedown of Bears fans. Usually, I don’t agree with what The Worldwide Leader in B.S. spews out, but here’s the story… On Sunday, Bears defensive tackle Gaines Adams died from a heart condition at the too-young age of 26. When ESPN Football Today podcast host (and die-hard Bears fan) Jeremy Green found out some Bears fans were more concerned about losing a second-round pick than a man losing his life way too early, he blew his top on Monday’s podcast, and rightfully so.
And now, here’s my chance to blow mine… Congratulations, you idiots. Some of you “fans” have about as much as class as the team you root for as well as the pompous ass in the last item and the network he works for. This city has had enough embarrassments on the national stage and we don’t need you morons adding to it. How does 0-16 sound to you next season? Kudos to Jeremy Green for pointing this out.
– Dick Ebersol. NBC Sports Chairman ripped into Conan O’Brien and David Letterman on Friday, saying the jokes regarding NBC were unfunny and called O’Brien “an austounding failure”. And this coming from a guy who lost $200 million on the upcoming Winter Olympics in Vancouver – much of it being tape-delayed. Given he also lost the NBA and MLB under his watch, he should talk about “failure” – because he’s one himself. No wonder his first name is Dick.
– Mary Schmich’s take on Leno-Conan. Hey Mary, you’re still using two 50-year old hags named Sissy and Missy to write one of your very pathetic articles? A good Scmich article is on days when one doesn’t appear in the paper.
– NBC and the Chicago Bears. Which one has the more damaged brand? The one that can’t get its act together, or the team no one in their right mind wants to work for? The one that won’t get rid of Jeff Zucker? Or the one who won’t get rid of Lovie Smith? Maybe the NFL should make a deal for all Chicago Bears games to air on NBC next season – a failure of a football team on a failure of a network. Makes sense to me.