Me-Too and Me-TV Milwaukee launches today

A reminder: the new WMEU-CA, branded Me-Too is launching today at 5 a.m.

The new channel is a spin-off of Me-TV (WWME-CA), which launched in 2005. WMEU is taking the place of ethnic-programmed WFBT-CA, which is switching to one of WCIU’s sub-channels.

WMEU, WFBT, WWME, and WCIU are all owned by Weigel Broadcasting.

Me-Too is available on broadcast analogchannel 48 (good luck picking it up), WCIU digital sub-channel 26.3, and Comcast Cable channel 247 (WFBT will still be available on channel 248.) Me-Too is also available on RCN and WOW cable systems; check your channel lineup for details.

Meanwhile, The Me-TV format will launch today at Weigel’s WDJT in Milwaukee on digital channel 58.3, and will also be available on Time Warner and Charter digital cable systems on cable channel 201. However, the digital sub-channel feed (as well as WMLW on 58.2) will be pre-empted to carry NCAA tournament games later next month.

To see the Chicago lineup of Me-TV and Me-Too, click here (PDF reader required.)

To see the Milwaukee lineup of Me-TV, click here.

And remember: To view the channels, you don’t need a HDTV set.


1 thought on “Me-Too and Me-TV Milwaukee launches today

    • I have been enjoying the “vintage” programming on 58-3!
      I have encountered ocassional kack of audio with some programs, I hope this will be corrected.

      In the wide screen format people often have their hair shorn by the lack of showing full height.

      Are you sure digital is an improvement?

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