WVON program director quits – on the air
It’s not every day that somebody quits on-air – it happened once in 1960 when Jack Paar shocked everyone when he quit The Tonight Show – in the middle of the broadcast – after NBC cut out a joke he made regarding the initials W.C. being confused for a water closet instead of a wayside chapel the previous night (hey, it was 1960 after all…)
Yesterday on urban news/talk WVON-AM, program director Coz Carson – filling in for the vacationing Santita Jackson – quit his position as he was signing off. He announced that he was taking a position with a New York City radio station effective January 2.
Carson left the station because of “creative differences” with Melody Spann-Cooper, who is President and CEO of WVON’s owner, Midway Broadcasting. Carson was at WVON only six months.
By the way, Jack Paar returned to Tonight a month later, but left again in 1962 – and was replaced by an upcoming star named Johnny Carson.
(Editor’s note: To read Coz Carson’s side to this story, click on the comments section. – T.H.)
updated 12:52 a.m. on 2007-12-28
1 thought on “WVON program director quits – on the air”
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Actually, I did nothing of the sort. Truth be told. I resigned from WVON in writing, the morning that I said good bye on the air. I sent it via e mail, and the date and time of my written resignation, verify that I had formally resigned waay before I tossed a few well deserved flowers to some people I came to know here.
I was a happy man just showing some love. the reality is that I didn’t quit because of “creative differences”. that trite phrase has seen it’s better days. Did you miss the part where I said that I’m going to the #1 market in the world??? This is what guys like me live for. I am going to be the morning host on one of America’s finest, truth telling, talk radio stations. This is my life’s dream. Is it ok if I go realize my dream? :)
I must admit though, I do like being written about in context (or maybe not) with great talkers such as Mr. Jack Parr and Mr. Johnny Carson. You see, That’s where I got my air name, the Carson part that is. I picked two winners in the game, Bill Cosby, and Johnny Carson. I deeply respect how the real pros did their thing.
Having said that, You can rest assured that I would never do something as bush league as “quit on the air”. LMAO. Look for Mr. Feder’s clarification, coming to a newspaper near you.
BTW–if you want to hear exactly what I said, Hit me up. cozcarson@gmail.com .